Tony N. Marion教授:多学科融合、中西医结合的平台定能开拓新的 更新日期 :2017-08-16 浏览次数 : 95
2017年8月8日下午3点,北京中西医结合肾脏疑难病会诊中心成立的启动会在京顺利举行。此次启动会由北京市中医管理局主办,北京市石景山区卫计委、北京中西医结合学会协办、北京联科中医肾病医院承办。中国科学院陈可冀院士、北京市中医管理局屠志涛局长、北京市石景山区政府左小兵副区长等领导及章友康、谢院生、刘玉宁、李平、沈颖等专家,以及美国田纳西州大学健康科学中心生物免疫学专家Tony N. Marion教授(托尼教授)等20余位来自十三个国家和地区的海外专家、留学生代表,共同见证了这一重要时刻。
图:Tony N. Marion教授与屠志涛局长亲切握手
图:Tony N. Marion教授受邀参加会诊中心启动会
图:Tony N. Marion教授现场发表重要演讲
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am Tony N. Marion, professor of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. I have just arrived Beijing yesterday afternoon specially for attending this conference. It is my great honor to be invited to attend the launch of Beijing Consultation Center of Chinese and Western Medicine for Complicated Kidney Disease.
大家好,我是Tony N.Marion/托尼马里恩教授来自美国田纳西州大学健康科学中心,昨天下午的飞机专程抵达北京,非常荣幸能够受邀参加北京中西医结合肾脏疑难病会诊中心的启动仪式。
I have become attached to China for many years and have some knowledge of the traditional Chinese Medicine. The traditional Chinese medicine works better on the chronic kidney disease while western medicine works faster on the acute kidney disease. The traditional Chinese medicine treats the disease from its cause while the western medicine can quickly relieve the disease symptoms. Most of the patients we see get the chronic kidney disease, so it is very important to combine Chinese medicine approaches with western medicine to serve the patients better. Beijing Consultation Center of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine for Complicated Kidney Disease which is authorized by Beijing Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine initiatively creat a platform for the multi-disciplinary integration and the combined Chinese medicine with western medicine, where the traditional Chinese approaches will collide with the modern medical technologies and effect greatly and widely. I believe with the great efforts of the international specialists, Beijing United-tech Nephrology Specialist Hospital will open up new areas in the medical field.
我与中国的结缘已经很多年了,对中国的传统治疗也有一定的了解,中医适用于治疗慢性疾病,治疗彻底,而西医的疗效更快,能迅速地缓解症状。我们大多数的肾病患者都是慢性病患者,因此将中医的全面式疗法结合到西医中非常重要, 能为患者提供更好的服务。 而北京市中医管理局设立的北京中西医结合肾脏疑难病会诊中心就是创造了一个多学科融合、中西医结合的平台,传统医药与手法的运用必将与现代的医疗技术在这里产生更多的碰撞, 广泛地,巨大地影响。通过国际多方专家的努力,一定能开拓新的领域。
I sincerely hope that this newly created platform and the database will bring together the best specialist in the world, further introduce and share the vast knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, and integrate its best practise into a new medical system. And it has laid a solid foundation for our deep cooperation in the near future.
诚挚地希望这个平台及专家库可以将全球最好的专家聚集在一起, 进一步引进及分享博大精深的中医知识,更好践行中医和一种新的医疗体制的结合。为我们的深入合作打下良好的基础、落到实处。
Finally, may the conference a complete success and the newly established center serve the patients worldwide!